Altinity.Cloud Demo Cluster

A demo cluster for testing ClickHouse® connections and playing with publicly available data.

Altinity has created several guides in the Integrations section of the Altinity Documentation site as well as various blog posts posted in the Altinity Resources Page. To accompany these guides, Altinity has created a public ClickHouse® database hosted through Altinity.Cloud. Our goal is to help new users experience ClickHouse and to help experienced ClickHouse administrators test the connections between applications and ClickHouse.

Altinity.Cloud Demo Database Details

The Altinity.Cloud Demo database has the following connection information:

  • URL:
  • HTTP Protocol: HTTPS
  • HTTPS Port: 8443
  • ClickHouse Client Port: 9440
  • Database: default
  • Username: demo
  • Password: demo

Altinity.Cloud Demo Database Connection Examples

The following examples provide a quick demonstration on how to connect specific interfaces and applications to the Altinity.Cloud Demo ClickHouse cluster.

ClickHouse Play

ClickHouse allows to run queries directly using simple HTML interface:

ClickHouse Client

To connect to the Altinity.Cloud Demo database with the native ClickHouse client, use the following command (note that for some operating systems you’ll need to use clickhouse client instead of clickhouse-client):

clickhouse-client --host --user=demo --password=demo --port=9440 --secure

DBeaver and JDBC Connectors

For applications like DBeaver that use JDBC drivers to connect to database, use the following settings:

  1. From the main menu, select Database->New Database Connection.
  2. From the Select your database screen, select ClickHouse.
  3. On the Main tab, set the following options:
    • JDBC URL: jdbc:clickhouse:// (DBeaver populates this by default based on the other settings).
    • Host:
    • Port: 8443
    • Database/Schema: default
    • Username: demo
    • Password: demo
  4. On the Driver Properties tab, set ssl to true.
  5. Click Finish.


For Grafana, see the Integrating Grafana with ClickHouse guide.

Available Test Data

The demo user is allowed to access the default database and table functions. You can run SHOW TABLES to list available tables. The main public datasets that are often used in examples are:


The ontime table is provided by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. It is collected from Airline On-Time Performance Data. This information is based on flight data collected by US certified air carriers regarding departure and arrival times, flights cancelled, flights with delayed departure or arrival times, and other relevant data.


The table airports is information on airports, including the name of the airport, city, latitude and longitude, and other relevant information. For the Altinity.Cloud Demo database, this is often joined with the ontime table. The information in this table is provided by, from their Airport database.


The tripdata table is based on the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Record Data for Yellow Cab rides. This table contains information about rides starting and ending in New York City, including the date and time of pickups and dropoffs, the total amount of the fare, and other data. This was used as part of the article Tableau Tricks with ClickHouse.


The table github_events is a collection of all Github events between 2011 to 2020, comprising 3.1 billion records and 200 GB of data. This is provided from the GH Archive.
