Altinity Cloud Manager 24.1.21 Release Notes
Released 2024-02-15
- ‘Uptime Schedule’ is renamed to ‘Activity Schedule’. It now allows to specify an instance type for inactive time, scaling down cluster in low hours automatically
- GCP Marketplace integration is added. GCP Marketplace is available as a payment method
- Display a message that cluster is connected to the remote backup bucket
- When external custom domain is configured instructions for DNS configuration are now displayed
- Discounts are now applied to the current period. Previously, discounts were only applied to generated invoices for the previous months
- Added an option to select ZooKeeper node type when launching a new cluster if multiple node types are configured for ZooKeeper
- Upgraded clickhouse-operator to from 0.22.1 to 0.23.1 version release notes
- Upgraded clickhouse-backup from 2.4.6 to 2.4.31 version release notes
- Better progress is displayed when provisioning the BYOK/BYOC environments
- Removed redundant fields from Cluster Launch Wizard
- Allow to start volume modification if previous modification is still in progress
- Improved performance of listing backups
- Fixed restart behaviour when server settings are changed. Previously, cluster would not restart sometimes when needed.
- Fixed a number of issues when updating and removing volumes in multi-volume clusters
- Fixed a bug when ZooKeeper cluster size was not respected when stopping/starting ClickHouse® cluster
- CPU/RAM settings for unknown node type are now preserved (BYOK)