Viewing clusters in the ACM

Details of the ACM user interface

You’ll spend most of your time in the Altinity Cloud Manager working with ClickHouse® clusters. In this section we’ll look at the parts of the ACM user interface that make that easy. Along the way we’ll include links to more details about how to use each set of features.

The Clusters (plural) view

The Clusters view displays your ClickHouse clusters:

Altinity.Cloud Management Plane

Figure 1 - The Clusters (plural) view, featuring two clusters

Key items in Figure 1 above include:

  • The button, which makes it easy to create a new ClickHouse cluster. If you’d like to exit the tour and create a new cluster now, see the Launch Cluster Wizard documentation.
  • The Environment menu. Clicking on the current environment name (altinity-maddie-byok) displays a list of environments you can access.
  • The My Account menu. Clicking on your username (Doug Tidwell) displays a list of options for managing your account. See the My Account menu documentation for all the details of managing your account.
  • The clusters in this environment. In this view there are two ClickHouse clusters, cluster2 and maddie-byok. Your clusters are displayed in panel view (shown) or the more compact list view. The panel view shows details about the cluster such as its resources and configuration, the version of ClickHouse it’s running, and whether backups are set up.

Clicking on a cluster name takes you to the Cluster view for that cluster. And speaking of the Cluster view….

The Cluster (singular) view

Here’s the Cluster view for the maddie-byok cluster:

Cluster Details Page

Figure 2 - The Cluster (singular) view for the maddie-byok cluster

The buttons and menus across the top of the panel are:

The top row of buttons on the Cluster view page
  • ACTIONS - a menu of actions you can take on this cluster. See the Cluster Actions documentation for complete details.
  • TOOLS - Lets you configure a Kafka connection for this cluster.
  • CONFIGURE - A menu of configuration options. See Configuring a Cluster for complete details.
  • EXPLORE - Takes you to the Cluster Explorer, a panel that lets you work with data in the cluster, import data, view database schemas, and other useful things. See the Cluster Explorer guide for complete details.
  • ALERTS - Lets you define alerts that should be triggered in response to certain events. See the Cluster alerts documentation for complete details.
  • LOGS - Takes you to the Logs view, which contains a number of different logs to give you insight into your cluster. See the Cluster logs documentation for complete details.
  • ALTINITY ACCESS - Lets you define the access privileges Altinity support personnel should have into your ClickHouse clusters. See the Altinity Access to ClickHouse documentation for complete details.
  • - The cluster lock button, which lets you prohibit any changes to the cluster. See the Locking a cluster documentation for all the details.
  • - The refresh button. Refreshes the display, as you would expect.

The rest of the view shows statistics and configuration information for the cluster. Most of that data is read-only. You can, however, change the name of the cluster owner (Doug Tidwell in Figure 2) or the Cluster Role (Development) by clicking the current value. You’ll get a simple dialog that lets you set a new value.

The Connection Details link highlighted in Figure 2 shows you the hostname, ports, and other details you’ll need to connect to your ClickHouse cluster from an application, a monitoring tool, or the clickhouse-client tool:

Cluster connection details
Figure 3 - The Connection Details for the cluster

The Nodes (plural) view

Clicking the Nodes tab highlighted below the cluster name at the top of Figure 2 above shows you the list of nodes in this cluster:

The Nodes view for a cluster

Figure 4 - The Nodes (plural) view for a cluster

Clicking the NODE VIEW button above takes you to, well, the view of a single node.

The Node (singular) view

The view of a single node looks like this:

Connection details for a single node

Figure 5 - The Node (singular) view

The buttons across the top of the panel are:

  • ACTIONS - The ACTIONS menu has two items:
    The Action menu for a node
    • Restart - Restarts the node.
    • Exclude from Load Balancer - Excludes this node from the load balancer, as you would expect. Selecting this item means that the node will not get any traffic from the load balancer. (You can still access the node directly if you have its connection information as shown in Figure 6 below.) When a node is removed from the load balancer, the text of this menu item becomes Include in Load Balancer; clicking that item returns the node to the load balancer. The value of LB Status in the display is Included or Excluded as appropriate:
      A node's load balancer status
  • EXPLORE - Takes you to the Cluster Explorer for this node. This is the same Cluster Explorer available from the Cluster view, but it is scoped to work with the current node only. See the Cluster Explorer guide for complete details.
  • STORAGE - Lets you view, modify, and manage the storage used by this node. See the Configuring storage documentation for complete details.
  • VIEW LOGS - Takes you to the Logs view, which contains a number of different logs to give you insight into your cluster. See the Cluster logs documentation for complete details.

Clicking the Connection Details link highlighted in Figure 5 above shows the information you need to connect directly to this node:

Node connection details
Figure 6 - The Connection Details for a particular node

This dialog is similar to Figure 3 above, the difference being that the host is the URL for this node, not the entire cluster. Depending on how you have configured replication and sharding, connecting to an individual node may be useful.