Cluster Actions

Common cluster management tasks

Most of the things you’ll do in the Altinity Cloud Manager will work with ClickHouse® clusters.

Your first task is creating a new cluster. Launching a new cluster is incredibly easy, and only takes a few minutes. See the Launch Cluster wizard documentation for complete details on the options for creating and configuring a new cluster.

Once your cluster is up and running, most of the cluster management tasks you’ll want to do are in the Actions menu, which appears at the bottom of the Clusters (plural) view or the Cluster (singular) view:

The Actions menu

In addition, the Tools menu at the top of the Clusters (plural) view includes the option to copy data between clusters:

The Cluster Tools menu

All the details of these actions are in the following pages:

Upgrading a Cluster

How to upgrade an existing ClickHouse® cluster

Rescaling a Cluster

How to rescale an existing ClickHouse® cluster

Stopping, resuming, or restarting a cluster

How to stop or start an existing ClickHouse® cluster

Exporting a Cluster's settings

How to export a ClickHouse® cluster’s settings

Publishing a Cluster's Configuration

Pushing changes to your ClickHouse® cluster

Working with a Cluster's History

Working with changes made to a ClickHouse® cluster

Launching a Replica Cluster

How to create a replica of a ClickHouse® cluster

Cloning a Cluster

How to clone a ClickHouse® cluster

Restoring a Cluster from a Backup

How to restore a backed up ClickHouse® cluster

Creating a Cluster Backup

How to back up a ClickHouse® cluster

Copy data between Clusters

Copying data from one ClickHouse® cluster to another

Destroying a Cluster

How to destroy a ClickHouse® cluster

Locking a Cluster

How to lock a ClickHouse® cluster