Altinity 24/7 support

How to get support for Altinity.Cloud, Altinity.Cloud Anywhere, and ClickHouse® itself.

We know your business runs on data. Whether you’re using Altinity.Cloud, Altinity.Cloud Anywhere, or open-source ClickHouse® itself, Altinity 24/7 Support is here for you if something goes wrong.

Our Team

Our support organization is a long-term, stable team composed of some of the world’s foremost experts on ClickHouse, Kubernetes, networking, and storage. They’ll work with you to make sure your problem is resolved as quickly, safely, and elegantly as possible.

Support We Offer

We support the service levels and response times you need.

Service Levels

We have you covered at every level of service:

Service Level Definition
Level 0 We have online materials that can help you solve problems quickly, including an extensive knowledge base that has been built up over years of helping customers solve problems. See the Online Support Resources section below for a complete list.
Level 1 We have a Zendesk portal and the #support-cases Slack channel to create tickets. Those tickets are handled by Opsgenie to ensure they get the prompt attention they deserve.
Level 2 Provided by our team of support engineers.
Level 3 Expands Level 2 by including members of the technical or executive leadership teams as needed.


Here’s how we define priorities:

Priority Definition
P1 Urgent. A production environment is severely impacted or non-functional.
P2 High. A production environment is functioning, but its capabilities are severely reduced.
P3 Medium. A problem that involves a partial, non-critical loss of use of a production environment or development environment.
P4 Low. A general usage question, reporting of a documentation error, or recommendation for a future enhancement or modification of an Altinity product or service.

If you’re not sure how to classify the problem you’re having, worry not; use the category that seems like the best fit. You can change it later if necessary.

Response Times

We have three classes of service, with response time commitments for each. Response times vary by priority, as you would expect.

Class of Service P1 P2 P3 P4
Premium 1 hour 4 hours Next Business Day Next Business Day
Enterprise 4 hours Next Business Day Next Business Day Next Business Day
Standard Next Business Day Next Business Day 1-3 Business Days 1-3 Business Days

Online Support Resources

There are a number of useful resources here and elsewhere on the web to help with less urgent issues:

In addition, the monitoring and management features of Altinity Cloud Manager can help you find and fix failures. Finally, we encourage you to take a look at our customer onboarding materials.

Opening a Ticket

You can open a ticket in two different ways; choose whichever is convenient for you. As you create or escalate a ticket, you can give it one of the four priorities defined above.

Using Zendesk

Our Zendesk portal lets you create a ticket instantly and track it going forward. You can select the priority of a ticket through the Zendesk UI:

Creating a ticket with Zendesk

Figure 1 - Creating a ticket with Zendesk

Note that a ticket’s priority and severity are separate fields.

Using Slack

You can use your private Slack channel to log issues and have conversations with Altinity engineers. We use the Jira Service Management Slack plugin to track your conversations as help tickets. (If you don’t have a private Slack channel, contact us.) To turn a Slack conversation into a ticket, tag your message with the :ticket: emoji]:

This Slack message creates a ticket

Figure 2 - A Slack message that creates a ticket

Note: Using the :ticket: emoji is the only way to create a ticket from a Slack message. The :bangbang:, :exclamation:, and :placard: emojis no longer create a ticket.

The Jira Service Management system will create a Jira ticket, then a Zendesk ticket that includes a reference to the Jira ticket. Tickets created from Slack messages are always assigned a priority of P4. (You can find details on escalating a ticket created with Slack below.)

Tracking a Ticket

However you created your ticket, it’s easy to see the status of your issue. For high-priority situations, of course, your Altinity support engineer will be in frequent contact with you as your issue is resolved.

Using Zendesk

The Zendesk UI makes it easy:

Zendesk tickets

Figure 3 - Zendesk ticket list

Simply click the subject line for your ticket and you’ll see its complete history.

Using Slack

Tickets created by Slack generate a thread with links to the Jira and Zendesk tickets created by our back-end systems:

A Slack message thread

Figure 4 - A Slack message thread

Escalating a Ticket

If your issue needs a more urgent response, you can raise a ticket’s priority.

You can also ask for executive involvement if you feel you need additional resources. Feel free to reach out to our CEO, Robert Hodges (@Robert Hodges (Altinity) on Slack)or our CTO, Alexander Zaitsev (@alz on Slack).

Using Zendesk

You can easily escalate a ticket by modifying it in Zendesk:

Changing a Zendesk ticket's priority
Figure 5 - Changing a Zendesk ticket’s priority

Using Slack

To escalate a ticket created by Slack, tag the message with the appropriate emoji:

P1 - Urgent - Add :bangbang:

Escalating a Slack message to P1
Figure 6 - A Slack message escalated to P1

P2 - High - Add :exclamation:

Escalating a Slack message to P2
Figure 7 - A Slack message escalated to P2

P3 - Medium - Add :placard:

Escalating a Slack message to P3
Figure 8 - A Slack message escalated to P3

P4 - Low - To de-escalate an issue, simply remove everything but the original :ticket: emoji:

Reducing a Slack message to P4
Figure 9 - A Slack message reduced to P4

Let Us Hear from You!

If you have feedback for us, feel free to reach out to our CEO, Robert Hodges (@Robert Hodges (Altinity) on Slack) or our CTO, Alexander Zaitsev (@alz on Slack).