Upgrading a Cluster

How to upgrade an existing ClickHouse® cluster
Launch New Cluster

Clusters can be upgraded to newer versions of ClickHouse®. Before you upgrade, we strongly encourage you to open a support ticket with normal priority and label the ticket “Upgrade.”

Select the ClickHouse version to update to. You can select from Altinity Stable Builds or Community Builds. As you choose which type of build you want to use, the dropdown menu below changes to include the latest builds of that type. There is also a Release notes link beneath the menu; clicking that link takes you to the release notes for that release. We also strongly recommend reading the release notes for the version you’re upgrading to.

Cluster Upgrade

Figure 1 - The Upgrade Cluster dialog

Be sure to read any warning messages carefully. If the version you’ve selected will downgrade your cluster by at least one major version, you’re required to acknowledge that before the process will start:

ClickHouse downgrade

Figure 2 - Confirming a ClickHouse downgrade

In addition to the versions listed by default, you can select Custom Version and enter the name and tag of a Docker image:

Selecting a custom ClickHouse version

Figure 3 - Selecting a custom ClickHouse image

The upgrade process time varies with the size of the cluster, as each server is upgraded individually. This may cause downtime while the cluster is upgraded.