Working with your account

Creating and configuring your Altinity.Cloud account

This section covers the basics of working with your Altinity Cloud Manager account. Additional instructions for managing an Altinity.Cloud subscription in the AWS Marketplace and GCP Marketplace are included as well.

The tasks we cover for your Altinity.Cloud account are:

Logging in

To log in, go to the Altinity Cloud Manager login page. Enter your email and password and click SIGN IN:

The Altinity.Cloud login screen

You can also click the Auth0 link to log in through a third-party authentication provider. The address you use with Auth0 must be the same one you used to create your account.

Figure 1 - The login screen

The My Account menu

The rest of the tasks we’ll cover are in the My Account menu. To access it, click your username in the upper right corner:

Access user account

Figure 2 - The My Account menu

NOTE: Depending on your role, some of these menu items may not appear.

Accessing basic account settings

Cluster Lock button

To access basic settings for your account, click the My Account menu item. This displays the My Account panel:

Access user account

Figure 3 - The four tabs of the My Account panel

The panel has four tabs, which we’ll cover next.

The Common Information tab

The Common Information tab displays basic information, lets you update your password, and lets you switch between light theme and dark theme.

Altinity Cloud user common settings

Figure 4 - The Common Information tab

The Email/Login and Role fields are read-only.

To update your account password, type the new password and confirm it. Click SAVE to update the password.

NOTE: The SAVE button is disabled until both passwords are at least 12 characters long and both passwords match.

The API Access and and Anywhere API Access tabs

These tabs let you configure access keys and tokens for your account. Details of API configuration are in the Altinity API Guide.

The Access Rights tab

The Access Rights tab displays the permissions your account has. You need administrator privileges to modify them.

The Access Rights tab

Figure 5 - The Access Rights tab

The permissions are listed in three columns:

  • Section: The area of access within Altinity.Cloud, such as Accounts, Environments, and Console. A value of * means the user has access to all areas.
  • Action: What actions the access right rule allows within the section. Actions marked as * include all actions within the section.
  • Rule: Whether the action is allowed (marked with a check mark), or denied (marked with an X).

The user account in Figure 5 has complete access to everything. A user with a different role and different privileges will see a comprehensive list of what they can do:

The Access Rights tab with fewer privileges

Figure 6 - The Access Rights tab for a user with fewer privileges

In this excerpt (there are dozens of sections and actions), the user cannot access the Console or Billing sections, although they can display and edit settings for their account. The global permission for everything (sections and actions * *) is disallowed as well. Finally, note that the Anywhere API Access tab does not exist for this user.

Viewing notifications

Cluster Lock button

The Notifications menu item lets you view any notifications you have received:

The Notification History panel

Figure 7 - The Notification History dialog

Here the history shows a single message. The text of the message, its severity (Info, News, Warning, or Danger), and the time the message was received and acknowledged are displayed. The meanings of the message severities are:

  • : Updates for general information
  • : Notifications of general news and updates in Altinity.Cloud
  • : Notifications of possible issues that are less than critical
  • : Critical notifications that can effect your clusters or account

Working with billing information

Cluster Lock button

If you have orgadmin access, you’ll see the Billing menu item. See the Billing page in the Administrator Guide for more information.

Checking system status

Access user account

The System Status menu item lets you check the status of the Altinity.Cloud service and your ClickHouse® clusters. This gives a quick glance to help devops staff determine where issues might be when communicating with their ClickHouse clusters.

The System Status page displays the status of the Altinity.Cloud services. To send a message to Altinity.Cloud support, select Get in touch at the top of the page:

Get in touch

Figure 8 - The Get in touch button

The rest of the page displays the status of the system:

Altinity.Cloud system status page

Figure 9 - Status of your clusters and ACM

The three graphs show the status for the last 90 days. The first two lines here refer to the ClickHouse clusters in your environment. In this example, the clusters were defined just over a month ago, so there isn’t as much data to display. The bottom line is the status of the Altinity.Cloud management console,

Hovering over any bar (red or green) displays more details for that day:

Altinity.Cloud system status outage info

Figure 10 - Details of an entry in the status bar

To subscribe to email updates about any system outages, enter your email and click Subscribe at the bottom of the page.

Viewing Altinity.Cloud documentation

Cluster Lock button

Selecting this menu item takes you to the Altinity documentation page.

Checking the version of ACM you’re using

Cluster Lock button

Selecting this menu item shows you the version of ACM you’re using:

The version of ACM you're using

Figure 11 - The Altinity.Cloud Manager version

Here you’re using ACM Version 23.7.43. This can be useful when diagnosing a problem.

Logging out

To log out, click your username in the upper right corner, then click Log out.

Log out of your account

Your session will be ended, and you will have to authenticate again to log back into Altinity.Cloud.

NOTE: Your session will automatically be logged out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

Managing your Altinity.Cloud subscription at AWS Marketplace

Go to your AWS Marketplace account and click the Manage your software subscriptions link in the Your Software section:

Figure 12 - Managing your account in the AWS Marketplace Console

Select Altinity.Cloud for ClickHouse in your subscription list and click the Manage button:

Figure 13 - Managing your Altinity.Cloud subscription

Select the Actions button to manage your subscription. The Actions menu has a variety of options:

Figure 14 - The Actions menu

Terminating your Altinity.Cloud subscription at AWS Marketplace

  1. Backup and save your data. Your data will be available for retrieval for the period defined in Altinity.Cloud Terms of Service agreement.

  2. Stop and delete your clusters.

  3. Terminate your service as described in the Altinity.Cloud Terms of Service agreement.

  4. Unsubscribe from the service in your AWS Marketplace account

  5. Go to your AWS Marketplace account and click the Manage your software subscriptions link in the Your Software section:

Figure 15 - Managing your account in the AWS Marketplace Console

  1. Select Altinity.Cloud for ClickHouse in your subscription list and click the Manage button:

Figure 16 - The Manage button

  1. Select the Actions button and select Cancel subscription in the menu:

Figure 17 - The Cancel Subscription menu item

You are now unsubscribed from Altinity.Cloud.

Managing your Altinity.Cloud subscription at GCP Marketplace

Go to GCP Marketplace and click the Your orders link on the left panel:

Figure 13 - Managing your orders in the GCP Marketplace

Select Altinity.Cloud for ClickHouse in your orders list for the billing account you subscribed from and click the vertical dots icon:

Figure 14 - Managing your Altinity.Cloud subscription

There are two options in the menu:

  • Sign up with Altinity Inc. - redirects you to the sign up form
  • Cancel order - terminates your order

Terminating your Altinity.Cloud subscription at GCP Marketplace

  1. Backup and save your data. Your data will be available for retrieval for the period defined in Altinity.Cloud Terms of Service agreement.
  2. Stop and delete your clusters.
  3. Terminate your service as described in the Altinity.Cloud Terms of Service agreement.
  4. Unsubscribe from the service in your GCP Marketplace

Follow Managing your Altinity.Cloud subscription at GCP Marketplace and Cancel your order.

Figure 14 - Cancel your Altinity.Cloud subscription

You are now unsubscribed from Altinity.Cloud.