Setting up EKS with Terraform for Altinity.Cloud

The easiest way to configure an EKS cluster

The Altinity Terraform module for EKS makes it easy to set up an EKS Kubernetes cluster for a Bring Your Own Kubernetes (BYOK) environment.


To authenticate with your AWS account, set the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. You must also ensure your AWS account has sufficient permissions for EKS and related services.

Terraform module for BYOK on EKS

We created the Terraform EKS module to make it easy to spin up an AWS EKS cluster optimized for working with Altinity.Cloud Anywhere. This configuration is tailored for the best performance of ClickHouse®, following Altinity’s best practices and recommended specs for AWS:

  • Instance Types
  • Node Labels
  • EBS Controller with custom Storage Class (gp3-encrypted)
  • Cluster Autoscaler with multi-zones High Availability

See the module’s repo for detailed information about the module's architecture.

Setting up the EKS cluster and node groups

  1. Create a new directory for your terraform project and create a file named .
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the file:
locals {
  env_name                 = "acme-staging"
  region                   = "us-east-1"
  zones                    = ["${local.region}a", "${local.region}b", "${local.region}c"]
  clickhouse_instance_type = "m6i.large"
  system_instance_type     = "t3.large"
  altinity_labels          = { "" = "anywhere" }

provider "aws" {
  region = local.region

provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = module.eks_clickhouse.eks_cluster_endpoint
  cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks_clickhouse.eks_cluster_ca_certificate)
  exec {
    api_version = ""
    args = [
    command = "aws"

module "eks_clickhouse" {
  source = ""

  install_clickhouse_operator = false
  install_clickhouse_cluster  = false

  eks_cluster_name       = local.env_name
  eks_region             = local.region
  eks_cidr               = ""
  eks_availability_zones = local.zones

  eks_private_cidr = [
  eks_public_cidr = [

  eks_node_pools = [
      name          = "clickhouse"
      instance_type = local.clickhouse_instance_type
      desired_size  = 0
      max_size      = 10
      min_size      = 0
      zones         = local.zones
      labels        = local.altinity_labels
      name          = "system"
      instance_type = local.system_instance_type
      desired_size  = 0
      max_size      = 10
      min_size      = 0
      zones         = local.zones
      labels        = local.altinity_labels

  eks_tags = {
    CreatedBy = "mr-robot"

module "altinitycloud_connect" {
  source = "altinity/connect/altinitycloud"
  pem    = altinitycloud_env_certificate.this.pem

  // "depends_on" is here to enforce "this module, then module.eks_clickhouse" order on destroy.
  depends_on = [module.eks_clickhouse]

resource "altinitycloud_env_certificate" "this" {
  env_name = local.env_name

resource "altinitycloud_env_k8s" "this" {
  name         = altinitycloud_env_certificate.this.env_name
  distribution = "EKS"

  node_groups = [
      name              = local.clickhouse_instance_type,
      node_type         = local.clickhouse_instance_type,
      capacity_per_zone = 10,
      reservations      = ["CLICKHOUSE"],
      zones             = local.zones
      tolerations = [
          key      = "dedicated"
          value    = "clickhouse"
          effect   = "NO_SCHEDULE"
          operator = "EQUAL"
      name              = local.system_instance_type,
      node_type         = local.system_instance_type,
      capacity_per_zone = 10,
      reservations      = ["SYSTEM", "ZOOKEEPER"],
      zones             = local.zones

  load_balancers = {
    public = {
      enabled = true

  // "depends_on" is here to enforce "this resource, then module.altinitycloud_connect" order on destroy.
  depends_on = [module.altinitycloud_connect]

This configuration will create 6 different node groups using the combination of eks_availability_zones and instance_types.

Be sure to tweak configuration values like eks_cluster_name, instance_types, CIDR information, region (for the availability zones), and whatever else you need for your requirements. If you need further customization, you can always fork the Terraform module and create your personalized version of it.

NOTE: The value for region is required. If region is us-east-1, the script creates the availability zone names us-east-1a, us-east-1b, and us-east-1c. Be aware this may not work for every region. For example, as of this writing, the availability zones for ca-central-1 are ca-central-1a, ca-central-1b, and ca-central-1d. Specifying an availability zone of ca-central-1c is a fatal error. Check the AWS regions and availability zones documentation to see the correct values for your region and modify the script as needed in both the ekc_availability_zones section and the zones spec in the eks_node_pools section.

Again, remember to authenticate with your AWS account before going forward.

Applying the configuration

Open the terminal, navigate into the created directory and run these commands to initialize the Terraform project and apply it:

# initialize the terraform project
terraform init

# apply module changes
# btw, did you remember to authenticate with your AWS account? 
terraform apply

This operation will take several minutes to complete. When it completes, you’ll have a running AWS EKS cluster with high availability and other features.

Verifying your EKS cluster

  1. Update your kubeconfig with the new AWS EKS cluster data using the following command:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name clickhouse-cluster
  1. List your AWS EKS cluster nodes:
kubectl get nodes

You should see six nodes:

NAME                         STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-10-0-1-174.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   6m17s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
ip-10-0-1-35.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>   6m55s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
ip-10-0-2-181.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   6m35s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
ip-10-0-2-63.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>   6m38s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
ip-10-0-3-128.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   6m37s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
ip-10-0-3-164.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   6m36s   v1.28.5-eks-5e0fdde
  1. List the kube-system pods:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system

All these pods are created by default under the kube-system namespace. You’ll see something like this:

NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
aws-node-7ll4k                                               2/2     Running   0          4m7s
cluster-autoscaler-aws-cluster-autoscaler-56c7fdf75c-nlb6l   1/1     Running   0          3m2s
coredns-68bd859788-m9zbn                                     1/1     Running   0          7m33s
coredns-68bd859788-q778b                                     1/1     Running   0          7m33s
ebs-csi-controller-6d76764dcd-bgzbv                          6/6     Running   0          3m1s
ebs-csi-controller-6d76764dcd-f7vx5                          6/6     Running   0          3m2s
ebs-csi-node-vb8xf                                           3/3     Running   0          3m2s
kube-proxy-msws4                                             1/1     Running   0          4m7s

Your AWS EKS cluster is now ready. Remember that the given configuration is just a starting point. Before using this in production, you should review the module documentation and ensure it fits your security needs.

Connecting your new environment to Altinity.Cloud

The final step is to connect your new EKS cluster to the Altinity Cloud Manager (ACM). In a nutshell, you need to create an Altinity.Cloud environment and connect it to your new Kubernetes cluster. See the section Connecting to Altinity.Cloud Anywhere for all the details. (Note: The example used in this link connects to an Azure AKS instance, but the procedure is the same for AWS.)

Deleting the configuration

When you no longer need your EKS cluster, the ClickHouse clusters it hosts, and the Altinity.Cloud environment that manages them, there are two straightforward steps:

  1. Delete all of your ClickHouse clusters and your Altinity.Cloud environment. Simply delete the environment and select the “Delete clusters” option.
  2. Run terraform destroy to clean up the EKS cluster and all of its resources. When this command finishes, all of the resources associated with your EKS environment are gone.