Azure remote provisioning
With an Altinity.Cloud Anywhere account, Altinity technical support can remotely provision Azure AKS clusters in your Azure account, then create ClickHouse® clusters inside those Kubernetes clusters.
Setting up a Bring Your Own Cloud environment for Azure involves three steps:
- Get an Altinity.Cloud Anywhere account.
- Create an Azure Service Principal (SP) and associate it with Altinity’s Azure resources.
- Create an Environment in the Altinity Cloud Manager (ACM) and point it to your Azure account.
With those steps completed, Altinity.Cloud Anywhere will have the necessary access to create Kubernetes clusters in your Azure environment and then create ClickHouse clusters in those Kubernetes clusters.
You’ll need to know your Azure Tenant ID and the Subscription ID you want to use for your BYOC environment. You’ll also need User Access Administrator
or Role Based Access Control Administrator
permissions or higher to create a service principal. See your Azure account administrator if you don’t have that level of access.
Creating an Azure Service Principal
There are two ways to do this: with Terraform or with az
, the Azure command-line tool.
Using Terraform
We recommend using Terraform to create the service principal. That gives you a complete record of everything you’ve created as well as a way to delete everything via the terraform destroy
Copy these lines to a file named
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "~>3.0"
provider "azurerm" {
skip_provider_registration = true
features {}
variable "subscription_id" {
type = string
description = "The ID of subscription to connect to Altinity.Cloud"
locals {
application_id = "8ce5881c-ff0f-47f7-b391-931fbac6cd4b"
data "azuread_client_config" "current" {}
resource "azuread_service_principal" "altinity_cloud" {
client_id = local.application_id
owners = [data.azuread_client_config.current.object_id]
description = "Altinity.Cloud Service Principal"
notes = "Altinity.Cloud Service Principal"
account_enabled = true # change to false to block Altinity.Cloud access
feature_tags {
hide = true
resource "random_uuid" "azurerm_role_assignment_altinity_cloud" {}
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "altinity_cloud" {
name =
scope = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}"
role_definition_name = "Owner"
principal_id = azuread_service_principal.altinity_cloud.object_id
The value of application_id
is owned by Altinity; this value never changes.
on your machine and the Azure subscription ID you’re using, run these commands:
terraform init
terraform apply -var subscription_id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
If you don’t have the appropriate permissions, you’ll get the error message Could not create service principal
. If that happens, see your Azure account administrator.
Using the Azure command-line tool
Alternately, you can create the service principal with the az
command-line tool, filling in your subscription ID:
set -eu
SP_ID=$(az ad sp create --id "$APPLICATION_ID" --query id -o tsv)
az role assignment create --scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --assignee-object-id "$SP_ID" --role Owner
As with the Terraform method, if you don’t have the appropriate permissions, the command will fail.
Creating an Environment in the ACM
Once the service principal is created, go to the Altinity Cloud Manager and open the Environments tab:
Click the button at the top of the screen.
In the Environment Setup dialog, select Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) and choose Azure as your cloud provider:
Click OK to continue.
Configuring your Environment
With your Altinity.Cloud Anywhere environment created, you need to connect the environment to the Resource Group in your Azure account.
Setting up your connection
The first tab of the Environment Setup wizard is the Connection Setup tab:
Select AKS Provisioned by Altinity and click PROCEED to continue.
Defining your environment’s properties
Next you’ll see the Resources Configuration tab:
Field Details
Cloud Provider
Azure is selected automatically.
Click the down arrow icon and select the appropriate region from the list of Azure regions.
Number of AZs
The number of Availability Zones for your Kubernetes clusters. We recommend that you select at least two AZs.
Tenant ID
You can find this in the Azure web console.
Subscription ID
You can find this in the Azure web console as well.
CIDR Block
Enter the CIDR block for your environment. We recommend at least /21
to ensure you have enough addresses for your cluster.
Storage Classes
Select as many storage classes as you need. You can create new storage classes with the button or delete storage classes by clicking the
trash can icon.
Node Pools
Define as many node pools as you need. At least one pool must be selected for ClickHouse clusters, at least one for Zookeeper nodes, and at least one for System nodes. You can click the button to add new node pools, or click
to restore the original settings. NOTE: You can add more node pools later if you need them.
Click PROCEED to start the configuration process. The Confirmation tab will show the status of the configuration:
The Altinity Cloud Manager will connect to your Azure account and configure the resources it needs to create and manage Kubernetes clusters and ClickHouse clusters in your Azure account.
Given the way the Azure platform manages resources and permissions, creating the Kubernetes cluster and its related infrastructure will take a while. Click the button as many times as necessary.
Your patience may be exhausted along the way, but be of good cheer! Keep clicking the button until the resources used by Altinity.Cloud are created. (In our testing, we’ve had to click the
button more than 15 times, with the provisioning taking more than 25 minutes.)
When the connection between Altinity.Cloud and Azure is complete, you may get a warning that no node types are defined for your Environment:
Although the Environment is connected to Azure, node types are being defined in the background. In another minute or two, refreshing the screen will show several node types defined:
Now you’re ready to create a ClickHouse cluster inside the Kubernetes cluster Altinity created inside your Azure account. Click the CLUSTERS link at the top of the panel, then click the button to start the Launch Cluster wizard. See the Launch Cluster Wizard documentation for complete details on creating a ClickHouse cluster.