Stopping, resuming, or restarting a cluster

How to stop or start an existing ClickHouse® cluster

Launch New Cluster
Launch New Cluster

You can stop, resume, or restart a ClickHouse® cluster by clicking the appropriate menu item. As you would expect, the text of the first menu item is Stop if the cluster is running and Resume if the cluster is stopped. Depending on the size of your cluster, it may take a few minutes until it is fully stopped, resumed, or restarted.

You’ll see this confirmation dialog when you stop a cluster:

Stop Cluster Confirmation dialog

Figure 1 - The Stop Cluster confirmation dialog

NOTE: Stopping a cluster resets its activity schedule to ALWAYS ON. See Configuring Activity Schedules for all the details.

If you are resuming a cluster, you can change the node type used in the cluster:

Resuming a cluster

Figure 2 - The Resume Cluster confirmation dialog

NOTE: Resuming a cluster resets its activity schedule to ALWAYS ON. Again, the page Configuring Activity Schedules has all the details.

If you are restarting a cluster, you have the option of doing a Hard Cluster Reset, which kills all of the ClickHouse cluster’s Kubernetes pods before restarting the cluster:

Hard cluster reset

Figure 3 - The Cluster Restart confirmation dialog

Finally, be aware that a cluster may be stopped, resumed, or rescaled automatically based on any activity schedules you may have configured.