Publishing a Cluster's Configuration

Pushing changes to your ClickHouse® cluster
Launch New Cluster

The Publish Configuration menu item applies any configuration changes you have made to your ClickHouse® cluster. This gives you more control over how changes are applied.

This feature is related to the Automatic Publish setting on your environment:

The Automatic Publish setting

Figure 1 - The Automatic Publish environment setting

Automatic publishing is enabled by default. That means any changes to the configuration of any cluster in the environment are automatically applied as they are made in the ACM. However, you (or your administrator) may want more control over how changes are applied. Publish Configuration lets you decide when changes should be applied. (You must have administrator-level access to change an environment’s Automatic Publish option setting.)

If you have configuration changes that haven’t been published yet, you’ll see the PUBLISH button at the top of the cluster view:

The Publish button

Figure 2 - The Publish button

Clicking the button displays the Pending Cluster Updates dialog:

The Pending Cluster Updates dialog

Figure 3 - The Pending Cluster Updates dialog

You can click the arrow icon to see the details of any particular change. Be aware that you can’t modify your changes from this dialog. If you need to modify something, click CANCEL, edit your settings and environment variables as needed, then come back to the Publish Configuration function to continue.

Click CONFIRM to publish the changes.