General Environment Configuration

High-level settings for your Environment

The most high-level settings are on the General tab:

The General tab

Figure 1 - The General tab

Here are the details of these fields:


The name of the Environment.

Deployment Type

This field is read-only for most users. Under normal circumstances, the only values that will appear here are Kubernetes or Anywhere.

Availability Zones

The availability zones defined for your environment. A green check mark appears next to availability zones currently in use:

An availability zone in use

Figure 2 - An availability zone in use

Be aware that in Bring Your Own Kubernetes (BYOK) environments you can specify additional availability zones:

Specifying additional availability zones

Figure 3 - Specifying additional availability zones

You can click the button to create a new availability zone.

Use External DNS

The names of the endpoints of ClickHouse resources used by ACM are based on a naming convention that includes the cluster name and Checking this box means the ACM will access those resources through endpoints resolved through an external DNS. Contact Altinity support for help in setting this up.


You can define a custom domain; contact Altinity support to set this up. The default domain uses a combination of your ACM environment name and

Database Login | Database Password

The username and password for the ClickHouse cluster. The ACM uses these values to retrieve information about schemas, users, and other high-level information from the ClickHouse cluster. These values are set for you by default.

If you change the username to default and leave the password blank, the ACM will attempt to retrieve the password from the ClickHouse operator’s configuration.

Automatic Publish

If selected, any changes made to the Environment’s configuration are automatically published when you make them. Turning this off lets you decide when a change is published, giving you more control over the configuration. For example, you might want to make a number of configuration changes and publish them at one time.


Monitoring is turned on and the button is disabled. This control is a legacy item that will disappear in future versions of the ACM.