Exporting an Environment

Saving a copy of your Environment’s state
The Export menu item

The Export menu item lets you export the configuration of your environment. Clicking the menu item displays the Export Environment dialog:

The Export Environment dialog

Figure 1 - The Export Environment dialog

All environments can be exported into ACM format, a JSON file that describes the configuration of your environment. If your cluster is named altinity-maddie, the file altinity-maddie.json will be downloaded to your machine.

In addition, BYOC and BYOK environments can be exported as a Terraform script that will let you recreate the resources in your environment. This can be useful in three scenarios:

  1. You used a Terraform script to deploy a BYOC environment, then you made changes to the environment in the ACM. Exporting the environment as a Terraform script makes it possible to update your original script with the changes you made in the ACM. Then you can use your updated terraform script to provision new environments without making changes via the ACM.
  2. You deployed a BYOC environment, and now you want to switch to a BYOK environment so you can manage the underlying resources yourself while still using the ACM to manage ClickHouse.
  3. You created an environment through the ACM, and you want to create a Terraform script to automate creating similar environments in the future.

Users with intermediate level Terraform expertise can use the exported scripts with the Altinity Terraform registry to automate environment provisioning.

Different scenarios for using Terraform for provisioning is covered elsewhere in the documentation; those can be useful examples for working with Altinity Terraform modules. Here are some sample Terraform scripts that provision various kinds of resources: