Common Actions

Things you’re likely to do with your Environment

If you’re on the Environments tab and looking at the Clusters view, you’ll see the ACTIONS menu at the top of the panel:

The Clusters view on the Environments tab

Figure 1 - The Clusters view on the Environments tab

In addition to the tasks in the ACTIONS menu, you may need to Define Custom Node Types or View Audit Logs.

Details of all these tasks are on the following pages:

Editing an Environment

Making changes

Exporting an Environment

Saving a copy of your Environment’s state

Configuring the Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse®

Defining how the operator should work

Environment Configuration Templates

Creating repeatable environment deployments

Reconfiguring your Environment

Resetting your Environment

Defining Maintenance Windows

Making sure maintenance happens when you want it to

Cost Allocation Tags

Labeling resources for tracking costs and chargebacks

Deleting an environment

Deleting your environment (and possibly your ClickHouse® clusters and data, too)

Defining Custom Node Types

Setting up resources for your ClickHouse® clusters

Viewing Environment Audit Logs

Getting details if something goes wrong