Account Management

How to manage Altinity.Cloud accounts.

Altinity.Cloud accounts with the role orgadmin are able to create new Altinity.Cloud accounts and associate them with organizations, environments, and one or more clusters depending on their role. For more information on roles, see Role Based Access and Security Tiers.

Account Page

The Account Page displays all accounts assigned to the same Organization and Environments as the logged in account.

For example: the accounts mario, luigi, and peach and todd are members of the organizations MushroomFactory and BeanFactory as follows:

Account Role Organization: MushroomFactory Organization: BeanFactory
peach orgadmin *  
mario orgadmin   *
luigi envuser   *
todd envuser *  
  • peach will be able to see their account and todd in the Account Page, while accounts mario and luigi will be hidden from them.
  • mario will be able to see their account and luigi.

Access Accounts

To access the accounts that are assigned to the same Organizations and Environments as the logged in user with the account role orgadmin:

  1. Login to Altinity.Cloud with an account granted the orgadmin role.
  2. From the left navigation panel, select Accounts.
  3. All accounts that are in the same Organizations and Environments as the logged in account will be displayed.

Account Details

Accounts have the following details that can be set by an account with the orgadmin role:

  1. Common Information:
    1. Name: The name of the account.
    2. Email (Required): The email address of the account. This will be used to login, reset passwords, notifications, and other uses. This must be a working email for these functions to work.
    3. Password: The password for the account. Once a user has authenticated to the account, they can change their password.
    4. Confirm Password: Confirm the password for the account.
    5. Role (Required): The role assigned to the account. For more information on roles, see Role Based Access and Security Tiers.
    6. Organization: The organization assigned to the account. Note that the orgadmin can only assign accounts the same organizations that the orgadmin account also belongs to.
    7. Suspended: When enabled, this prevents the account from logging into Altinity.Cloud.
  2. Environment Access:
    1. Select the environments that the account will require access to. Note that the orgadmin can only assign accounts the same environments that the orgadmin account also belongs to.
  3. Cluster Access:
    1. This is only visible if the Role is set to envuser. This allows one or more clusters in the environments the new account was assigned to in Environmental Access to be accessed by them.
  4. API Access:
    1. Allows the new account to make API calls from the listed domain names.

Account Actions

Create Account

orgadmin accounts can create new accounts and assign them to the same organization and environments they are assigned to. For example, continuing the scenario from above, if account peach is assigned to the organization MushroomFactory and the environments MushroomProd and MushroomDev, they can assign new accounts to the organization MushroomFactory, and to the environments MushroomProd or MushroomDev or both.

To create a new account:

  1. Login to Altinity.Cloud with an account granted the orgadmin role.

  2. From the left navigation panel, select Accounts.

  3. Select Add Account.

  4. Set the fields as listed in the Account Details section.

    New User Settings
  5. Once all settings are completed, select Save. The account will be able to login with the username and password, or if their email address is registered through Google, Auth0.

Edit Account

  1. Login to Altinity.Cloud with an account granted the orgadmin role.
  2. From the left navigation panel, select Accounts.
  3. From the left hand side of the Accounts table, select the menu icon for the account to update and select Edit.
  4. Update the fields as listed in the Account Details section.
  5. When finished, select Save.

Suspend Account

Instead of deleting an account, setting an account to Suspended may be more efficient to preserve the accounts name and other settings. A suspended account is unable to login to Altinity.Cloud. This includes directly logging through a browser and API calls made under the account.

To suspend or activate an account:

  1. Login to Altinity.Cloud with an account granted the orgadmin role.
  2. From the left navigation panel, select Accounts.
  3. From the left hand side of the Accounts table, select the menu icon for the account to update and select Edit.
    1. To suspend an account, toggle Suspended to on.
    2. To activate a suspended account, toggle Suspended to off.
  4. When finished, select Save.

Delete Account

Accounts can be deleted which removes all information on the account. Clusters and environments created by account will remain.

To delete an existing account:

  1. Login to Altinity.Cloud with an account granted the orgadmin role.
  2. From the left navigation panel, select Accounts.
  3. From the left hand side of the Accounts table, select the menu icon for the account to update and select Delete.
  4. Verify the account is to be deleted by selecting OK.